19 Jan 2012

Travelling in "Inception"

I have always found the transformative Gates from Sumerian myth fascinating, and especially the idea that Earth was not a realm of death. Given that characters are still able to be killed, I would venture the suggestion that most of the experiences told about in the non-death mode were those of the Faerie Race. Mortal humans come into it in different ways and, for the most part, experience the Faeries as haughty and extremely polarized (typical of a civilization's end times).
The Gates document the levels on which the psyche exists. Inanna, Goddess of Love, is able to travel (project) through the Universe by contracting and expanding her awareness.
Recently, I sensed that the film Inception (starring Leonardo DiCaprio) could be related to these stories of Descent and Ascension through the levels of "dream" (existence). I specifically enjoyed the depiction of the event speed difference in those levels - a reference to Frequencies?


  1. I much like the Kronos/Hades aspect you bring in with the artwork of Virgo and the Aids (Aides) ribbon. In Germany we call this ribbon a Slip Knot or Loop Line (some of the German word's semantics translated back into English - sometimes in my language words are multidimensional/very fast frequency, whereas the English language offers a one-dimensional concrete(very slow frequency). The Virgo symbol displays two sides of the same coin and in itself encompasses its own wholeness. A question would be: Where is the individual at any given time? In representative Kronos or Hades? Kronos represents Immortality, Hades Mortality. And where is Kronos as a person when one is in Hades?
    Your article works with Questions I have been moulding over for a longer time myself. I'm pleased others bring in aspects to these thought chains.
    To me, when I access a fairy realm in dream, time becomes, like it is with language semantics, seemingly more abstract at points. The info is there, but the context seem "bigger". The bigger the better?... hmmm...

    1. Ha, Slipknot is a band, too.

      From what I understand, the Fairy realm is 4th dimensional and holds both the Dream/Fantasy and the Nightmare, but is not as polarized as 3D - there you can hop over boundaries without much ado.

      Where is Kronos as a person... hee, I don't know. Where am I right now? I'm at home, typing about these things, but all this life is but one travel that I'm discovering, and I can feel the energy coiling up inside me as I engage with these subjects. When Inanna decided to visit Ereshkigal, was the latter already her sitting on the Throne, having become afraid? When are these realities created? NO idea... The individual is where he or she directs attention primarily.

  2. Oh, and I like your new design!

    1. My new old design, I'm back to this background pic which suits the overall mood after all, just having tweaked the styles a bit.
      I like that they put in a "Reply" button in the comments section. They need to put a "track conversation" too, as it is it's all a bit limited.

  3. Forgot to say about "Inception": The movie caters to the Death Gods. It deals with the Human Life level as Level Zero, which is treated as the Ultimate Level which can only be left after a "real life span" through death resulting in the destruction of the spirit~soul~cosmic-energy complex. Dream in "Inception" is regarded as a result of the human brain. But I suppose they were catering to a certain audience with these limited and limiting expectations. Still, it's one of the few DVD's I own - next to "Hereafter", in which Clint Eastwood has given the natural aspects of Immortality a calm salvation.

    Also, I found an old diary entry of mine from March 2007 in which I described the Time Cloak. I added the entry at the bottom of the article you commented on, as that is another 'full circle' element to me:


    1. I didn't feel like it was catering to the Death Gods directly, since Mal's suicide was showed as the result of a madness created by an implanted idea in her "minus" or subfloor levels - not a way to enlightenment as she believed. Yes, they only showed the downwards travelling through dream, not the accessing of any higher dimensions above human life. We're never told what really happened to the real Mal after she died, as that holds no influence over the reality depicted in the film - which I found a bit lacking. But I accept that it was "that sort of film" and that it touched on a very basic question of importance: what makes this life more "real" than the projections we wish to create, if that power we have is real too? (A dangerous film for some as in itself is an "inception"). The answer being simply, life is no more real than those projections unless we decide for it to be, and face our hidden depths. The power of the subconscious to "wreck" things was something I specifically enjoyed, and the complex trickery of the "sentinels" involved in accomplishing the inception feat. It brings attention on the fact that we have all that stuff in our brains, and that there are those who can "hop brains" - which is never really explained scientifically (their technology, that is, or their very existence somewhere "in the future"). Because of this, it falls into the pattern of any old myth, "once upon a time" which implies that all the scenes can be read in a different framework. The names suggest this as well, like "Ariadne".

  4. Btw, did you notice that the Limbus connection in Inception is the same as in Furia? I.e. Marion Cotillard. She also starred in Tim Burton's "Big Fish", a seeming minor role but nontheless the same type of connection as in the other two films, interconnecting father and son (connection between disbelief and fantasy reality).

    1. You're among the very few people I know who make connections between the different roles as played by specific actors - something I've been wondering about. For example, Uma Thurman, Keanu Reeves... most people just look at the "style" but not the information connected in this way. But if one steps back to see the bigger picture of what Hollywood represents, it becomes perceivable. So yeah, a French connection! :D

      Just to clarify this again, by Death Gods I mean those people who tell you you HAVE to go through them to gain enlightenment. They have obviously gained something, but I sense that what they want is your energy, just to give it to them - not for you to gain anything! Which is why I don't trust that set-up. If it happens that you go through them and their dark side, and then get resurrected - it's fine; but the predetermined explanation which is then instilled I sense as a negative implant. But that is just one interpretation, of course, so as long as the individual looks for more information and doesn't just blindly accept the ritualistic loop, one can place the Death Gods into their rightful place.
