11 Dec 2011

The Big X Factor

The Cross: Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know (1990).

From Denise le Fay:
"... I mean that many of these Dark Ones have—sorry but I can't resist using this line—seen the Light and retired from their distorted perspectives and jobs being the "Bad Guys" during the past Evolutionary Cycle. During 2011 many of them just laid down their attitudes and bad-ass selves and willingly walked into the Light! Wow... what a trip that's been!
Remember I mentioned recently that I'd been getting the symbolism of a big X lately? This big X has indicated there's polarity integration happening at higher levels. Said really simply, this big X shape I've been perceiving indicated that in 2011 many of the Dark Ones had to integrate enough Light for them to continue evolving too, or not, and be reabsorbed by Source. And if 2011 was this phase for the Dark Ones, then, unless I've misunderstood what I've perceived, 2012 is the year for the Light Ones to do the same and integrate enough Dark within themselves at the levels and dimensions they exist on now. And we down here in 3D thought it was just us having all the high drama, intensity and excitement!
All of this is so everyone everywhere is free and clear and ready for the massive Cosmic Energy Imprinting of the New Evolutionary Cycle that will come through the alignment of Earth with the Milky Way galactic center one year from now." (2011)