The Freddie Mercury Star(gate), set up in Feltham in November 2009.
I especially like the Alchemical colours and the obvious Circled Dot (pentagon) with a "heart of gold".

This has a few differences from what a usual Hollywood-type star looks like. There are numerous elements which can be looked up to see what they say to you. But here is a basic description of the 'milieu' or location as it was when I visited:
This is a commercial 'town centre', and the star's location is bordered by such shops as: Peacock's, Risky, and Subway.
"Within this union of metals there was the assumption that the based metal dies and the more precious one was resurrected. Or it was thought to come back as a thing of many colors, sometimes described as a peacock's tail".One commercial board stated:
"Your Sight is Precious. 20% off Transition Lenses."
So do we have to get our Glasses on, to better perceive Transition? Then of course there is Gladstone Avenue. And there was one intriguing road sign!
Alf King under fives centre
Did anyone say Five? (Anyone remember this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIV2SkMwesU "As long as Five bring the Four, Queen bring the Rock" - where did that come from? I seem to recall a rock is also a word for diamond...)
The relationship of two to three, in harmonical proportion, gives a tone which was not a likeness of one, but a tone which presents a new and powerful relationship to one. As such, five is called the first universal number. [...] The Star was the Egyptian symbol for both destiny and the number five. The ideal of the realized man was to become a star, and to become one of the company of Ra. [sailing with him in the Ark of Millions of Years]
The five-pointed stars were the homes of departed souls, as confirmed in the Unas Funerary Texts (known as the Pyramid Texts):
Lines 886-9: I am a soul ... I (am) a star of gold... and Here I am, O Ra, I am your son, I am a soul ... a star of gold...
Line 904: be a soul as a living star...
But perhaps a distinct synchronicity was the song that was on in one of the shops:
Honey Ryder: Rising Up
We’re rising up, we’re rising up
Caught up in the flames
We’re fired up, we’re wired up
Don’t get in our way
Usually when I travel I like to find out the underlying concepts in placenames (names and words being the 'doorways' they are). I was not disapppointed by where it took me this time!
London & Luton: associated with Lú/Lug/Lugh/Lugus (Celtic god & High King - of the Elves? His name implies a "Flash of Light" which is common to all tales of such beings)
Hounslow: hill or mound associated with Hundi, the Anglo-Saxon pagan:
"... the pre-Christian Anglo-Saxons believed in seven realms. The Anglo-Saxons referred to the realm humans live on as Middangeard (which was cognate to the Old Norse Midgard), and also to a realm called Neorxnawang, corresponding to the Christian idea of Heaven. ... in the Crist poem, there is a mention of Earendel, which may have been a name of the morning star, identified in the poem with John the Baptist (who heralds the coming of the Christ as the morning star heralds the Sun). Various scholars, such as Brian Branston and Clive Tolley have suggested that the pagan Anglo-Saxons held a belief in a world tree, similar to the Norse concept of Yggdrasil, though there is no solid evidence for this. The Anglo-Saxon concept corresponding to fate was wyrd, although the "pagan" nature of this conception is subject to some debate." (Wikipedia)
Feltham: homestead where mullein grows, or "open land"
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