Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colours; brilliant, lustrous, or colourful in effect or appearance; displaying a spectrum of colours that shimmer and change.There is an exclamation which some of my friends and I find ourselves repeating these days, referring to videos being made: "Can it really get that obvious!". This one is no exception.
I realize many people are afraid of this so-called "Next Level" which is suggested for the Human Being (while still masked as fantasy or science fiction, or as something external/affected by external forces). I also realize that it is their decision, what they consider best for them. But from my perspective, we have set this fear in place, in order to have certain experiences. It is therefore up to us when we decide to remember, and a matter of letting go (I love it when the choir sings that!). Although I had been constantly experimenting with the feelings depicted here at 2:45, 2:55 and onwards, creating that energy bubble (my personal Stargate), I'd never understood what we were supposed to let go of - it always felt like something being taken away from us. But now that I understand we are the ones who create our own experiences, I finally agree to discard my own sadness and frustration: 'TRANSFORMERS'... :)
I offer a couple of pictures to compare with the video - as well as a nod to Gnostic information which describes the 'Machines' affecting our ability to see clearly. These 'virtual', unreal, aspects of ourselves are said to have been created when the Galactic Current first attempted to reach out into the outer darkness, but was unsure of herself. When her energy impacted these regions, she accidentally created these 'ghosts' or 'errors'. We have incorporated these into our psyche. Mankind represents the gradual realization of her true dream, however. The Galactic Current is the Electromagnetic 'Flow' which we are sometimes told to 'go with'.
I have to mention that the film
Matrix (more so, its origination in the Hindu/Buddhist beliefs of the world as
Maya, illusion), which at the time caused a very high level of unease in me (thought pattern: "Then everything is c**p!"), has now been fully transformed into enlightenment for me. It is no longer about everything being c**p. It is about us being amazing. But not just as the specifically human characters from the film, who are 'at war' with the Machines - more like amazing on the whole, since the Machines are also aspects of ourselves, those components that 'don't get it'. (Many other past cultural representations have likewise received the same twist in my perception - obviously a change based on my own alchemical process).

The Seven Houses binding the Duat
Many are trying to determine with accuracy which group 'owns' this information - which is useless, as it only dramatizes the mind into perceiving roles as ultimate. By perceiving roles as ultimate, one loses one's ability to perceive oneself as Multidimensional (hence 'free'). Whichever connection each group may have to the Divine, it is their own subjective interpretation, just as this is true for everyone else. This type of partial interpretation (as bound to manifested goals within the Game that we create) has no influence on the way anyone else can be personally involved with the Divine. But while it is easy for some to make it appear that they are revealing the true nature of reality to you (a role I have played on both sides), it is worthwhile to remember that this creates addiction to that so-called 'illumination'. In truth, YOU are the only Being who is revealing your true nature to yourself.
It is also worthwile to remember that, while we may get temporarily blinded by existence itself (i.e: more videos, more words, more news, to which we attach a linear 'separate' meaning as we rely on the individual 'energy snacks'), we on this Planet are actively involved in a process of Self-realization as we speak. In other words, all these activities are 'actually happening' to us, in terms of Consciousness.