"And the ray was the Guardian Angel of the mote: not a thing interposed between God and the creature, but God's very attention itself, personalized."~~JRR Tolkien

I remember many years ago, the question was, "What's an aerosmith?!". I thought that was funny. True, what
is an aerosmith! There were suggestions of a kite. Nowadays, I think I have finally figured it out. And yes, it's a kite - but a very unusual one. (As a point of interest, in my native language "kite" is the same word as a "daimon" or someone who pushes you to better yourself, the happiness in transcending your limits).
Hehe, very clever to put a human-scale Aerosmith (imagine how many pictures were taken there, of people standing in an ancient stargate, the vehicle of the Angels). If we go by the Winged Disc symbol, or the Nibiru, or Fravahar, it is also funny that Steven Tyler has a daughter who played an Elf. *g*
But that hadn't happened in 1988, and it is this song, Angel, written with Desmond Child, that is my all-time favourite song/performance in their repertoir (my air guitar on this wasn't half bad!). Here is why: It is definitely a meta-performance - explaining why they are in this at all, and what it is really all about. Sure, there are suggestions of all rock artists having sold their souls to the devil for money, but I wonder what would happen if we identified a little bit, with that person who's singing his brains out onstage, invoking his Angel (or perhaps she is invoking him?). Have you never experienced the feeling? The most complete, all-encompassing Love, initiated in the stomach and travelling through the entire nervous system. That Love is what powers you to stand tall and know who you are (no devil would suggest that to you). Sure, everyone has problems and issues (rock stars even more so), but this is their way of purifying - and they also do it for the whole audience. Yes, they need the devils to stage the whole thing - but that's minor compared to its real value. So, due to this Angel who is lifting the man, he's transformed in my eyes: first, he goes back to being a child, a small boy. Then, he metamorphoses into a really, REALLY attractive man - I can see what she sees in him, as it were. And that's how these concerts work. The mind is opened to the existence of one's own soulmate, and that is why it seems so confusing at first, that it doesn't matter about age or sex, or even about what is deemed handsome or ugly - it just happens whenever you mature enough to look into it (this certainly was not the case for me in 1988), and it's not about a connection between you and the man onstage, but a parallel between the audience and the Angel he is invoking/expressing, who gives the "glory" (looking on from the top of the A-shaped Axis Mundi).
By the way, have you ever seen the sheer number of ORBS at these concerts?