"Brothers and sisters. We have gathered here tonight to be as one."Squee!!!
Sexy ladies during Bad MedicineFresh off from the Bon Jovi concert tonight... I was blown away. It's just happy smouldering embers writing this post now. Lol. After
Livin' On A Prayer which brought about the golden Sacred Heart at the end (while during the show we could see a progression of the logo through the years), they finished the concert with the classic
Twist And Shout!!! And I could SWEAR they said "you really got me
glowing now" instead of "going" (although, if you do glow, you also go into different dimensions)! That is, the original vibe-raising song >
Ahh - ahh - ahh - ahh. They put a lot of work into delivering that (and we did too!), and one time during one of the build-ups, Jon said something about 'the wisdom' - though I couldn't catch all he said. Can you?
Of course, the entire concert was very "current" from my point of view. Dry County = the Crisis. Messages like "Shine (Your Time is Now)", etc, complete with Wormhole imagery = we are the solution to it.

All in all, the essential rock concert, always nodding back to
That Old Time Rock'n'Roll, which is about the Consciousness of True Love (Soul). And Love indeed I could feel, the meaning of that Bleedin' Heart and the sacrifices that it made. It all sounds very much fun in this review - a nice party (which of course it was) - but as they wisely sing, the road here was paved by the hopeless, the hungry, and the brokenhearted, and now we can all raise the Vibe. So besides being current, the show seemed to communicate a certain job having been done, worldwide, and everyone having reached this place in time.

What they don't know, however, is that our Romanian concept of their own "Blood On Blood" is very ancient, and translates as "Brothers of the Cross". This would be a very deep friendship established for the purpose of Multidimensional Travel ("crossing"), by mingling one's energy ("blood") with that of another. Then the friends would perform Fairytale duties. The Cross(ing) is that of pathways.

I had a GREAT TIME... I hope they did too, which they seemed to, by the looks of it and the lingering (over three hours and in spite of some obvious exhaustion, the July heatwave, plus it was -almost- Richie's birthday...
Beautiful guitar design"We'll play another one for you, after all you don't have anything to do tomorrow, do you?" The show's quality never dropped one inch, though).
One of my favourite moments was when some fans gave Jon a Romanian flag printed with the name Bon Jovi, and he studied it for a moment then wrapped it around his shoulders. It usually is a 'technique' like others such as the planned encores, but it was also a rather subconscious gesture.
At the end they thanked us for patiently waiting 30 years for them, haha (yep, we get that a lot, but the timing couldn't be more right - after all, what is recognition from others, without recognition from oneself? Before, the effect would have been to depress us even further by showing us things we couldn't have, both material and spiritual - you really have to be careful, when you 'gather to be as one', what you go back to afterwards, because it can seem such a void; not so now, most of us have travelled around quite a bit and some of us do realize the truth in saying we're brothers, not idols/followers - regardless of our conditioned aspects, like wealth or career). Also, there was one instance when a part he sang came from directly within - he got really transported and the notes resonated with that double quality, thought and sound.

And not to forget when everything went dark, lights going out one by one and then KABOOM! a big flash, as they went into
Always to the crowd's delight (and screaming in my ear).
A vortexy lady in the crowd
You know you’re a twisty little girl, (twist little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine. (let me know you’re mine oooh)
A few more fairytale comparisons:
Light Of Earendil's Star - fractal art by Keith
Ancient legend/myth about opening a gateway to one's higher nature and becoming as a Star, e.g. "Rise, my fallen angel - shine" (Bon Jovi: Brokenpromiseland)

Fractal art by Tatooine92, capturing the relation between "shining like a diamond" and the Vortex or Wormhole